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Global launch of the CLEAR Supply Chains Project

Join us at World of Coffee Copenhagen

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2023 CLP Annual Meeting Report

Key themes and recommendations adopted to accelerate action

Download the report

Event — Profits and Poverty

The Economics of Forced Labour

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CLP presentation on child labour remediation

OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector

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ILO Child Labour Platform, 14th Annual Meeting

“From the Ground Up: Collective Action to End Child Labour in Supply Chains” 30 November-01 December 2023

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2022 CLP Annual Meeting Report

Key themes and action items

2022 CLP Annual Meeting Report

Vulnerabilities to Child Labour

ILO Key Findings 2022

Review here

Child Labour: Global estimates 2020

Trends and the road forward

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UN International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour

Companies are making a difference

See all private sector 2021 Action Pledges here

Ending Child Labour in Coffee Supply Chains

A new ILO project mobilizes CLP member companies

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The Child Labour Platform

  |   The leading business initiative to eradicate child labour in supply chains

Draw on the ILO’s unparalleled convening power to jointly address the root causes of the problem.

Join ILO initiatives to prevent, assess risks and remediate child labour.

Work with companies across sectors to develop innovative collaboration models.

Receive guidance on how to improve company policies and practice.

Tackling child labour can’t be achieved by one company or sector alone.

Find out why — and how — to partner

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Many industry leaders
are already members

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