Leading the way for businesses to contribute to achieving target 8.7
With increasingly complex supply chains becoming the norm for companies, the business risks from failing to address child labour in supply chains are escalating. In these circumstances, there is a strong ethical case for businesses to join forces and help to accelerate progress. To be effective, companies’ responses to prevent and remediate child labour, forced labour and other fundamental rights violations in supply chains must be informed by robust data and analysis.
By joining the Child Labour Platform your company can:
- Understand the risk of child labour and other decent work deficits in supply chains.
- Draw on the ILO’s unparalleled convening power among governments, workers’ and employers’ organizations, trade associations, chambers of commerce and industry to jointly address the root causes of the problem.
- Join ILO initiatives to prevent, assess risks and remediate child labour and violations of other fundamental principles and rights at work.
- Access a suite of practical tools, training programmes and practical guidance on how to improve company policies and practices in light of ILO Conventions and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
Membership is open to business across sectors and of all sizes interested in preventing child labour in their operations and supply chains. The Platform also welcomes relevant organizations committed to supporting businesses to tackle child labour. Meetings and events are targeted at senior executives with direct responsibility for these issues such as Chief Procurement Officers.