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UN International Year for the Elimination of Child Labour

Companies can make a difference

Backed by a unanimously adopted resolution at the United Nations General Assembly, Alliance 8.7 is the global partnership to achieve SDG Target 8.7 and the International Labour Organization is the facilitator of the international year.

The Alliance 8.7 is calling on all stakeholders to choose a specific action that contributes to ending child labour and which can be achieved by December 2021.

These actions, or 2021 Action Pledges as we call them, will pave the way to ending child labour by 2025.

Thousands of 2021 Action Pledges are expected, in line with a three-pillar strategy:

Act. Inspire. Scale up.

Submit your 2021 Action Pledge

The Child Labour Platform is actively supporting the Alliance 8.7 campaign and inviting all companies to submit a pledge.

2021 pledges can be submitted by one or multiple stakeholders working together.

The deadline to submit is 15 May.

When submitting the pledge, you will be asked to choose one focal point for coordination purposes and indicate, if relevant, which other Stakeholders are responsible for implementation.

Are you ready to submit your Company Action Pledge?

If you are a member or partner of the Child Labour Platform, please reach out to us ( before submitting your 2021 Action Pledge so we can support you in identifying and then communicating about your pledge.

Learn more about the UN Year for the Elimination of Child Labour

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